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hello world!

Do you have a New Year's Resolution?

I do.

Mine is to put my cell phone down and read a book - every week. I want to slow my life down and read more and feel the crisp page turn in my hand and have my brain create images instead of some AI contributor.

So far, I've read one book and I've started my 2nd. We'll see how long I can sustain this.


That's a key word in what I do. I teach sustainability in weight loss, in primary care, and in wellness.

In order to lose weight/exercise/change habits/ etc. you need to be able to do it long term. It needs to be sustainable. Joining a gym or buying a piece of equipment is no more helpful to you for achieve weight loss goals as parking your car in the garage makes you an automobile. You have to do what you love. If you love working out in a gym - awesome! If you love your Bowflex and you use it e-v-e-r-y d-a-y then, WOO HOO! But, if it becomes your clothes hook or a toe stubbing implement, then we should talk.

Let me help you find your sustainability in weight loss and finding your wellness!

Here are some things that I do for sustainability:

  • I sign up for races that I know are going to be a challenge...and I tell everyone about them because it forces me to work hard and train hard so that I don't look completely foolish when I do them.

    • (and that's the real secret - YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU ARE GOING TO DO)

  • I take advantage of nice days and ride my bike because the fresh air, the beautiful Warwick scenery and the sound of my heart beating is therapy for my soul like no other.

  • I try to convince my friends/family to do crazy activities with me (and then go drinking afterward...)

    • I made up a Warwick/Wickham Woods Tri-Ky adventure: kayaking Wickham lake, Biking 14 miles and running 1 lap around the prison/ 1 mile

    • (thanks to my amazing friends for humoring me:) and thanks to Last Whiskey Bar for delicious and well deserved libations afterward!

    • Anyone want to LEARN TO ROW????? :)

    • Zombie Fun Run is only 10 months away!!

    • All my equally crazy friends and family for running in 5ks, 10ks and half-marathons with me!!! You are all my HEROES!!

    • And, my incredibly amazing daughter who was so brave that she learned to roller blade with me and made it look easy!!

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